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Black Lives Matter. Standing With Our Community.

Since 2007, Green Living Science has worked with schools, businesses and Detroit communities to increase awareness of environmental issues. During this time, we have reached over 200,000 students. As an organization that leads though relationships with our community members, we recognize that sustainability must put people first, and we work hard every day to help all members of our community enjoy the physical and mental benefits of a safe and clean environment.

We want to unequivocally state that Black Lives Matter. In the current moment we do not want to distract from the discussion about systematic oppression of the black community so we will be listening and reflecting. We will be listening to the leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement to better understand how our organization can be an ally.

We are currently reflecting on our role as an organization. Our leadership team is predominantly Caucasian and our mission (environmental sustainability) could be construed by some as a second order problem for historically oppressed communities. We are committed to changing this narrative and we acknowledge our role today is to listen and serve as allies to our partners working for racial justice in Detroit, southeast Michigan and across the nation.

Going forward we are re-imagining our role as Green Living Science to improve our capacity to understand historic disparities, and better support justice, equity, diversity and inclusion. Our goal of a more sustainable future cannot include sustainability at the expense of the few.

Sustainability must not only protect our environment it must improve the living conditions of all people and accomplish this in a just and equitable manner. In the current moment it is imperative that we stand alongside those who have been most impacted by systematic and historic racism, educate ourselves and one another on the true history of Detroit and our country, and come together to work toward reshaping a country and community where justice is served.

If you are a business, now is the time evaluate your Corporate Social Responsibility plans including your supply chain, purchasing practices, and human resources priorities. Re-evaluate or develop policies and initiatives in support of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion. Be an ally to members of your host community and shift your focus from doing less bad to doing more good.

We stand with all our fellow neighbors, regardless of their color, creed, religion, or origin to demand that we begin again to renew our commitment to equity and justice for all.

With sincere hope for an equitable and just future,

GLS Board of Directors

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