Throughout the years, people are looking into different landscaping designs that would create a tremendous impact on aesthetics, comfort and convenience. Although there are ways to create beautiful landscapes, it is also wise to make use of eco-friendly landscaping techniques. This is because the environment is constantly at risk of being damaged through the use of fertilizers, pesticides, and other chemicals. Furthermore, landscaping also contributes to pollution, increased production of wastes and increased use of water.
Green landscaping is now becoming a new practice that is currently being developed to keep the environment healthy and protected.
There are essential reasons why it is important to choose eco-friendly landscaping. First and foremost, it will greatly prevent the loss of wildlife, reduce carbon footprints and wastes and conserve water and energy. Whether you choose to use DIY techniques or seek the assistance of a quality landscaping professional, it is always wise to favor an earth-friendly approach.
1. Consider Xeriscaping and incorporate native plants
Xeriscaping is becoming more and more popular with garden enthusiasts because of its many environmental benefits. This landscaping technique eliminates the need for constant irrigation, enabling you to conserve water. Furthermore, since the plants can easily be nourished with water taken from the environment, Xeriscaping can survive prolonged droughts. This mainly involves choosing the plants that are drought-tolerant, able to thrive with a limited water source. Plants and trees such as cactuses, daffodils and myrtle can be added to your garden.
When considering green landscaping, it is also suitable to incorporate native plants in your garden because they can best sustain the local wildlife of your area. A good reason for including native plants is that they require less maintenance since they are already resistant to pests and insects. Moreover, the environment will greatly benefit because they will not need fertilizers and chemicals.
See Michigan State’s report from their xeriscape garden on recommendations for plants you can use in Michigan’s climate and soil conditions.
2. Apply Mulching
Mulching is important for your plants so that moisture remains in the soil as well as prevents weeds from growing. During the winter season, mulch protects your plants because it prevents frost. Moreover, your plants will have enough nutrients as mulch begins to decompose.
Organic mulching can be very easy which include shredded barks, grass clippings, pine needles and shredded leaves. You can even use straw and newspaper. For years, shredded newspapers are highly popular for individuals who are into organic landscaping. To use mulch, you just have to put the organic materials on top of the soil as a covering. One of the easiest mulch to acquire are shredded leaves. They can be placed just anywhere in your garden, and they decompose rapidly.
3. Use Natural Fertilizers And Herbicides
Strong and harmful chemicals will only destroy your natural wildlife. If you are used to using synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, this might be the time to shift to organic chemicals.
It is scientifically known that harmful chemicals kill microorganisms in the soil. By using organic chemicals, you will not only help protect the environment, but you can contribute to sustainable gardening. Organic gardening will increase the nutrients in the soil, thereby, allowing your plants to thrive abundantly. Hence, you can get more benefits in using organic chemicals than synthetics ones.
4. Create Your Own Compost Pit
Compost can be very beneficial for your garden because it has the needed nutrients for your plants to grow. Food scraps, organic wastes, dead leaves, twigs, fruit scraps, vegetable wastes and even coffee grounds are good materials for compost. With compost, your plants will benefit from the good bacteria and fungi that will provide rich nutrients to the soil once your scraps are decomposed. It will also balance the acidity level of the soil. To create your compost pit in your backyard, you need to choose a shady area and create a hollow, or you can just use a bin.
5. Use Solar Lighting To Light Up Your Garden
Because energy is very costly, the use of solar lights is very effective in cutting the cost of your electricity. Also, solar lights are efficient, renewable and effective in providing light to your garden during the night. Aesthetically, solar lights nowadays come in different designs that suit your style and needs. One of the many important benefits of using solar lights is that they can provide light even when you don’t have electricity. A lot of homes and gardens have remained functional during power outages. Furthermore, these homes stay safe and protected from potential intruders.
6. Use Rainwater For Your Garden Irrigation
Rainwater is basically good for the plants. When you use rainwater to irrigate your garden plants, salt deposits and chemical residues that have been accumulated will be flushed out and neutralized. Furthermore, when you store rainwater, it accumulates organic bacteria from pollen or insect droppings that are a good source of nutrients for your plants. Click here to learn more about creating your own rainwater irrigation system for your home garden.
7. Plant Ground Cover
Incorporating ground covers in your garden is one of the practical ways of choosing eco-friendly landscaping. These low-growing plants can prevent soil erosion, at the same time, make a beautiful lawn.
8. Switch To Non-Gas Powered Mower
Using a reel mower will help you save energy and money. Environmentally, reel mowers will reduce the emission of harmful gases into the atmosphere, and it will highly contribute to good air quality in your area.
See the EPA’s report on emission impacts from gasoline powered landscaping devices here!
9. Utilize Smart Irrigation
Installing an automated irrigation system can equally water your plants, which in turn, saves water. An irrigation system will also provide the needed nutrients for your plants to grow. With a limited water supply, your plants become vulnerable to diseases.